Treatment with simple techniques
Proactive focus on the cause

Exercise of the foot, knee, hip and pelvis.
Less pain, more sports

90 day plan for treatment and training
14 videos for treatment and training
1 PDF to print and help you in the 90 days course

Schlatterknee can be treated

The worst thing you can do with a Schlatterknee, is to do nothing.

If you are proactive, focused and targeted on your treatment and training, you will experience less pain over time. The vast majority will experience that the pain disappears or becomes so minimized, that they can practice their sport and daily life, on equal terms with everyone else. Therefore, the focus of this online course in schlatterknee is to give you all the tools, that can help you with the pain and the cause of your injury.


Do you want to get rid of your osgood schlatter disease

This online course in Schlatterknee guides you through 90 days, with concrete instructions in the treatment and training of your Schlatter knee. Techniques that have been well tested and developed > 20 years. The course is aimed at reducing your pain in your Schlatter knee, but also working on the typical causes of Schlatter knee.


The course has been prepared by the Danish elite trainer and manual therapist from YourPerformance, Anders Q Steensen. Read more about Anders.

You can expect this from your online course

You will be guided through movement training for the hip, back and pelvis which is one of the typical causes of Schlatterknee. You will receive guided treatment of the Schlatterknee with several different techniques that loosen and treat the nervous system, muscles, tendons and bone, in and around the damage. You get programs to strengthen your foot, knee and hip which can also be a cause of Schlatterknee. You will receive a checklist which will describe which treatments and exercises you must do day by day, during the 90 days the course lasts.